origami challenge

My Third Month of One Year Origami Challenge

Update: See the new edition: Origami 365 Days Challenge 2023

Even if now it’s October so it’s actual the tenth month and not the third of this origami challenge, I did not gave up. It took me way longer than I expected but I made it through. I don’t know if I would be able to catch up, but we should see.

The third month of the year was the hardest till now.

Not making a list in advance was again a huge mistake of mine, Also I always got lazy or distracted and would find excuses almost from anything not to fold.

But, beside all of that I manage somehow to finish it, and call it a month. 

I will still consider it a big win if by the end of the year I will have 365 origami models, even if the models were not folded everyday. 

Check out what I did on the first month.

And also on the second one.

P.S. I’m sorry for the quality of most of the photos. I have lost the originals and had to save them from my Instagram account. 

Day 60 of 365 Flying Pig designed by Paul Frasco

You can find the diagram for this really cute pig in the Creased Magazine 7. It’s easy to fold, It’s extra cute even if sometimes he just doesn’t want to stay on his feet. 

Day 61 of 365 Origami Dragon designed by Eric Joisel

I am a huge fan of Eric Joisel models. His way of folding it’s amazing. I was really sad when he had to leave this world. But we can always pay him homage by folding his models.

You can find the diagram for this simple yet powerful design in the Creased Magazine 7 bonus model. 

The paper I used is  Rainbow Colors paper by  Tuttle Publishing.

Day 62 of 362 Bunny Basket designed by Jacky Chan

You can find the tutorial for this useful bunny basket in a video made by Leyla Torres. 

See more Easter models here.

Day 63 of 365 Origami Dolphin Traditional origami

You can find the diagram on World Wide Life site. They have lots of origami diagrams that I folded and I love how they look.⠀

Day 64 of 365 Sleeping Puppy designed by Shoko Aoyagi

Not the best choice of paper but it’s still cute. A very easy model, perfect to fold with kids.

Day 65 of 365 Paper Bison designed by Joseph Wu

Another model from the World Wide Life site.

The diagram for this one was designed by Andrew Hudson.⠀

Day 66 of 365 Paper Elephant designed by Joseph Wu / Diagram by Andrew Hudson

origami challenge

Day 67 of 365 Giant Panda Designed by Anita Barbour

Day 68 of 365 Jaguar designed by Joseph Wu / Diagram by Andrew Hudson

This is when this origami challenge got a bit easier, as I did started to fold almost all the models from WWF.

Day 69 of 365 Origami Marine Turtle Traditional origami design

Day 70 of 365 Orangutan designed by Joseph Wu / Diagram by Andrew Hudson

Day 71 of 365 Origami Penguin, Traditional origami design

Day 72 of 365 Origami Polar Bear designed by Joseph Wu / Diagram by Andrew Hudson

Day 73 of 365 Origami Monarch, Traditional origami design

Day 74 of 365 Origami Rhino designed by Joseph Wu / Diagram by Andrew Hudson

Day 75 of 365 Origami Shark designed by Anita Barbour

Day 76 of 365 Origami Whale, Traditional origami design

Day 77 of 365 Origami Longhorn Cow Skull designed by Talo Kawasaki

You can find the diagram in the Creased Magazine 1.

I’m not very happy with how this model turned out. I did choose a way to thick paper for it, so that it’s one of the causes.

Day 78 of 365 Dragon Whelp designed by Paul Frasco

You can find the diagram in the Creased Magazine 10

Day 79 of 365 Pre-Columbian frog designed by Leyla Torres

Day 80 of 365 Scolli Pig designed by Sok Song

You can find the diagram in the Creased Magazine 3

Day 81 of 365 Abundance Hen designed by Leyla Torres

Day 82 of 365 Origami Corgi designed by Steven Casey

Day 83 of 365 Origami Suricat designed by Lionel Albertino

This one turned out a bit weird, and I did not have a better paper for it. I decided to post it though.⠀

Day 84 of 365 Origami Dragon V.2.0 designed by Bibes

Day 85 of 365 Kusudama Strong Package designed by Tomoko Fuse

Day 86 of 365 Etna Kusudama designed by Maria Sinayskaya

Day 87 of 365 Origami Flowers inspired by NanaTakahashi

I’m not sure if she is the designer or not, but I found the inspiration from her and the diagram as well.⠀

Day 88 of 365 Origami Camellia traditional model

Day 89 of 365 Origami Flowers inspired by NanaTakahashi

I’m not sure if she is the designer or not, but I found the inspiration from her and the diagram as well.⠀

Day 90 of 365 Origami Mandarin or Seagull Designed by Simon Andersen.

The tutorial for this cute bird is made by @paperkawaii and you can find it on her site. The paper I used is Rainbow Colors paper by @tuttlepublishing.⠀

So this was my third month of 365 origami challenge.​

It’s been a journey till now. I had my ups and downs, I also struggled with finding the models I want to fold and keep track. 

I’m not good at creating habits, but I will work on that with every day that goes by. 

Origami it’s a great way to relax but sometimes it can get frustrating. The best thing you can do it’s to take a brake, go on a walk, have a cup of tea and then start having fun folding again.

See on the next update. Happy folding! And good luck to all of you who participate in this origami challenge.

I am an Origami Artist

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