My second Month of One Year Origami Challenge

My Second Month of One Year Origami Challenge

Update: See the new edition: Origami 365 Days Challenge 2023

The second month of the year was harder than the first. One of the reasons why, it’s because I did not made a list beforehand of what to fold, so I end up losing too much time thinking on what to fold, and then not folding anything. 

I manage somehow to finish it, well, better say to have folded enough models to look like I made one every day. 

So what have I learned? Always make a list before the beginning of the month with what you want to fold. If you can, and you don’t consider it cheating, make a few models in plus some days, so you can post on social media when you haven’t folded that day. It will be easier to continue the challenge than if the days you haven’t fold/post keep on adding. If by the end of the year I will have 365 origami models I will consider this a success, even if the models maybe were not folded everyday. Life happens and it’s good to have a backup to help you keep going.

Check out the first month as well.

Day 32 of 365 Origami Heart folded by me.

origami challenge

I started off with something really simple, a cute easy heart.

Day 33 of 365 Origami Ice Cream Designed by Paper Kawaii and folded by me.

This was one of the models that received a lot of love on Instagram. And I really loved how this one turned out. The paper that I had worked so well for the cone.

Day 34 of 365 Golden RetrieverDesigned by Satoshi Kamiya and folded by me. Happy Golden Retriever Day⠀

The head was a huge struggle for this model. You have no idea how many times I folded, unfolded and refolded the head :)) The model is pretty easy to fold in rest, but the head…that was a struggle.

Day 35 of 365 Origami Cat Heart designed by Paper Kawaii and folded by me.

Being the month where everybody thinks of love and valentines days, so did I. Pizza and ice cream are my favorite food. So that’s gonna be our valentine’s day lunch :)⠀And Theia, our cat, will try to get the good stuff off our pizza slices.

Day 36 of 365: Origami tulip, the video that I followed said it was designed by Tsuku Cafe and the flower pot is designed by Jo Nakashima

I was really happy to find this model of tulips. It looks so beautiful. I did end up folding the traditional one as well, but I like this one more.

Day 37 of 365 Origami rose and calyx designed by Tadashi Mori, and the flower pot is designed by Jo Nakashima

Day 38 of 365 Origami Valentine Heart-Box designed by Leyla Torres

Day 39 of 365 Traditional tulip plus flower pot designed by Jo Nakashima

Day 40 of 365 Masahiro Rose designed by Masahiro Ichikawa and flower pot designed by Jo Nakashima

Day 41 of 365 Origami Umbrella designed by The Idea King. Happy Umbrella Day:)⠀

I started to fall in love with the modes made or at least demonstrated by the Idea King. I’m not 100% sure that he is the designer for the models, but they have some cute ones. Like those two umbrellas.

Day 42 of 365. So...I saw this amazing kusudama designed by Tomoko Fuse on Instagram folded by @patricio.ravetta

 The one that I saw was made from 270 modules. I knew that I would not have enough patience so I decided to make one of 90 modules. I did the modules in one day except for the curling part, which I made yesterday and the assembling as well. The only problem is that even if I read that you don’t need glue to assemble, my modules just would stay in I glue them. After I made all the 5 modules sets that I needed, I started to combine them only to realize that I made the sets all wrong. Off course I could not unglue them anymore. So what was suppose to be a beautiful 90 modules Ant Lions Nest kusudama end up on being a long patch of modules. That looks nice anyway. I was an origami challenge after all.

Day 43 of 365 I still had 20 pieces that were not glued from my mistake on assambling the 90 modules Ant Lions Nest kusudama designed by Tomoko Fuse so I folded 10 more and made the 30 modules version.⠀

Day 44 of 365 Magic Rose Designed by Valerie Vann and folded by me.

This is a very dear model for me. On one of the firsts dates with my husband, he folded this model and brought it to me. He told me it was a bit hard to fold and had a bit of a headache, so this model will always have a special place in my heart.

Day 45 of 365 Origami Book Designed by Oriland Origami and folded by me⠀

Day 46 of 365 Origami Chinese Thread Book interpretation by Paula Versnick and folded by me.⠀

Day 47 of 365 Origami Whale designed by Jo Nakashima

Day 48 of 365 Cherry Blossom Designed by Pham Hoang Hai⠀

I wish I would have chosen a different paper for this one. The model is more beautiful than how mine turned out. And I did struggled a bit because the paper was a bit too thick.

Day 49 of 365 Cat Designed by J. Anibal Voyer and folded by me⠀

This is another favorite of this month. Just look how clean and amazing this model is. 

Day 50 of 365 Origami Swan Dish Designed by Laura Kruskal and folded by me.⠀

Leyla Torres wrote an article not too long ago about Folding an Origami Swan in Memory of Laura Kruskal so I wanted to pay my respects as well to an origami artist by folding this swan designed by her.⠀

Day 51 of 365 Origami Winter Bear Designed by The Idea King.⠀

I had a period where I did not liked 2D origami models. But this year. I just love them. This bear would make a perfect card front to send to someone dear.

Day 52 of 365 Origami T-Rex designed by Kade Chan and folded by me.

I have to admit that I was kinda scared to try this model. The biggest paper size I have is 20 cm by 20 cm. But I do love the model, and I like dinos as well, so I decided to give it a try, it would’t be an origami challenge if I choose only models I know I can fold. It’s nowhere near perfect, I don’t have details on the head as I should, The paper is not very, the layers are not aligned good enough, but I did it till the end, and I think that’s really important.⠀

Day 53 of 365 Rabbit in Wonderland Designed by Keigo Matsuda and folded by me.

I kept on seeing this gorgeous bunny on Instagram and I finally folded myself. I just love how cute it is.⠀And that jacket, so damn cute.

Day 54 of 365 Kusudama Paradigma designed by Ekaterina Lukasheva and folded by me⠀

From time to time I feel the need to fold a kusudama. And this one was so sharp and geometrical looking in the photos I saw. Because of the paper I chose it became a bit too cluttered, but I still like it. I like this paper because there is always new to find in its design.

Day 55 of 365 Mini origami plants in pots designed by Paper Kawaii and folded by me.

Paper Kawaii made a collection on mini origami plants and this one is my favorite. I’m not sure if I will make the others as well.

Day 56 of 365 Wen's Dragon designed by Sok Song

This cute tiny dragon it’s really easy to fold and has a great effect on those that folded it. I used to teach this model with my friend when we would have some origami workshops.

Day 57 of 365 Origami Dove⠀

I think, this is the first time I ever folded this model. You kinda see it in a lot of places, from posters to ads, and I like how simple and clean it looks. 

Day 58 of 365 Origami Plum Blossom designed by Fendy Tong⠀

Day 59 of 365 Origami Butterfly designed by Yakomoga⠀

So this was my second month of 365 origami challenge.​

And that’s it. Until now, in March, I haven’t folded anything, so I have a lot of catch up to do. It’s been a bit too tiresome, with work, and finishing the apartment. Soon I will be moving to a new place, where I will have more space for myself, so maybe then I will be able to stay more on track. But until than, happy folding! And good luck to all of you who participate in this origami challenge.

Cristina Coroiu
I'm a proud Hufflepuff who loves to fold origami models and share them with the world.

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